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Pada program musik kali ini kami mencoba berbicara mengenai sikap kaum muda urban dalam menanggapi sekitar mereka. Sikap kaum muda ini akan direpresentasikan oleh karya beberapa band independent yang kami pilih berdasarkan cara pandang idealisme mereka.


Di dalamnya digambarkan keindahan hidup yang ideal, penuh kedamaian dan segala sesuatu yang menggambarkan utopia subjektif seseorang, namun dapat juga berupa kecemasan, kemiskinan, ketidakadilan yang menyusahkan dan menyengsarakan batin, yang merupakan negasi dari utopia tersebut.


Aliran romantisme menekankan pada ungkapan perasaan sebagai dasar perwujudan pemikiran. Romantisme biasanya dikaitkan dengan masalah cinta, namun romantisme juga merupakan manifestasi idealisme yang menggambarkan sesuatu secara spontan, subjektif, penuh kiasan dan bebas. 

SORE is a Jakarta-based indie band whose musical eclecticism makes a simple comparison almost impossible. Imagine the Beatles grew up in the Pacific, listening to the music of Steely Dan, Morrissey, Interpol, and Antonio Carlos Jobim. Their music is a curious blend of traditional pop song-writings and mood explorations, ranging from the calmest whisper to the Wagnerian exuberance of the horn sections and fuzz guitars.


SORE was originaly formed by three childhood friends (Ade Paloh, Mondo Gascaro & Awan Garnida). In late 2001 Awan Garnida brought two other friends (Bembi Gusti & Reza Dwiputranto) to form a group which they called SORE (means "late afternoon" in Indonesian)


“The beauty of Sore. Surpassing expectations with a sophomore classic.”
Hasief Ardiasyah - Rolling Stone Indonesia

“Sore have the uniquely Indonesian capacity to sound optimistically world-weary”
Jason Tedjasukmono – Time Magazine Asia | |


Realisme adalah aliran dalam karya sastra yang berusaha melukiskan suatu objek seperti apa adanya, pengarang berperan secara objektif. 


Realisme menitikberatkan pada realitas kehidupan. Karya-karya realisme berintikan kenyataan atau kejadian yang terjadi di sekitar pengarangnya. Karya-karya tersebut haruslah merupakan fakta atau realita, baik itu baik maupun buruk yang kemudian dituliskan kembali dengan menggunakan gaya bahasa pengarangnya. Aliran ini seringkali juga digunakan untuk melihat bagaimana penggambaran mengenai kehidupan yang kemudian dituangkan dalam karya sastra. 

On a rainy Indonesian afternoon towards the end of 2006, 3 musicians, in order to avoid being drenched, sheltered on the side of a road and waited for the rain to subside.

Bored senseless, and sick of rereading the saturated dated newspaper, they started to share musical aspirations. Finding that they were all looking for something musically innovative they decided to try to create a band alternate to the ones that they had played with before.

Henceworth was born Armada Racun, a group consisting of 2 bass and one keyboardist. The possibility of a drummer had not yet come to mind and they experimented with an automatic loop emanating from a bass effect.

In the beginning there was Nad on keyboard board, Vredd on bass and vocal and Dani Bastard on the rhythm bass just messing around, trying to find the sound they were looking for.

Feeling something was lacking they decided to seek a real life drummer in order to fill in any musical gaps. Initially they experimented with bass effects, keyboard scales combined with a heavy and unique drum sound, similar to early raw punk. Progressing from this they incorporated the repetitive and monotonous mood of the New Wave era and late punk movement, further coloring their songs with more modern European rock influences.

The lyrics of Armada Racun are somewhat of an unpretentious diary, fieldnotes from daily humdrum, anger, protest, love, disappointment and issues facing any young person living in the developing world



To form a good band, sometimes you have to break the rules. Two guys and one girl from the heart of Yogyakarta have shown their guts by excluding one of the most important musical instruments, the guitar." - JAKARTA POST |


Surealisme adalah aliran yang banyak melukiskan kehidupan dan pembicaraan alam bawah sadar, alam mimpi. Segala peristiwa yang dilukiskan terjadi dalam waktu yang bersamaan dan serentak. 


surrealism a distrust of rasionalism and formal conventions that prompted the young man towards the exploration of the realm of the unconscious and the dream. they were seeking what might be called "the language of the soul" , that is the expression , stripped all of logical device - of the profound me in its nakedness” -Patrick Waldberg (1965-1997)

Sigmun is an Indonesian rock band formed in December 2011, consists of Haikal Azizi (vocal/guitar), Nurachman Andhika (guitar), Mirfak Prabowo (bass) and Pratama Kusuma Putra (drums). Started out as “LOUD”, they are mainly influenced by the two founding fathers of heavy metal, the almighty Led Zeppelin and the god of heavy riffs, Black Sabbath. 


Referring to their influences, most of their songs are based on riffs covered with distortion and overflowing echoes. They describe their sound as "bringing a high gain amplifier and drums into a cave".


“Mendengar empat lagu pada Cerebro seperti menyimak rencana prajurit rock angkasa bernama Sigmun dalam memporak-porandakan seantero galaksi musikal." |

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